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Oasis Faction

Welcome to Oasis! Let’s go on a thrilling journey through this enchanting land, where fairies, rock people, and special species of flowers reside.

Before the Prism of Love arrived, Oasis was home to United Magical Energy, a corporation that was operating a large energy plant. The city of U.M.E was established for the workers of the plant. Less than one year after the plant was operational, the Prism of Love landed directly on the power plant causing a catastrophic meltdown in the core and destroying all living beings. 

To keep the radiation contained, a protective forcefield dome was created to cover the entire valley. Years passed as the city remained in ruin, with no signs of life but only an eerie green glow being visible under the dome. Until a bizarre looking tree began to grow from the destroyed core of the power plant. As the tree grew, she brought new life to Oasis in the form of mosses, grasses, and fairy-like creatures. 

The living beings were split on how to live life in Oasis. The Moondancers decided to remain below ground while the Sunslingers braved the radiation to live above ground. But, they all saw the tree as their goddess and called her Ume, named after the logo plastered on the remaining walls of the magical power plant at her core. 

Ume eventually used her powers to create four elders to help her rule. She also created Evergreen, a drink that fortified the beings of Oasis to resist the remaining radiation and allowed outsiders to visit without falling ill. However, unbeknownst to them, Evergreen also created a connection of loyalty to Ume.

As the animosity between the Moondancers and the Sunslingers intensified, Ume manipulated their distrust to train them to be her army in case any outsiders tried to take over Oasis. Since Ume created all things in Oasis, she shares a connection to everything and is able to communicate with all. She also connected her roots to the forcefield dome, causing the dome to begin to spread beyond the valley floor. 

Rok, the only being in Oasis who is immune to Evergreen, has noticed the dome’s growth and realizes Ume has questionable intentions. Meanwhile, Oasis’s star-crossed lovers, Ecco and Eden, are prevented from seeing each other outside of dusk and dawn, due to a curse. Their child, Willow, is half-light and half-dark, and Flora, the leader of the Moondancers, is trying to seduce her to the underworld for unknown reasons.

If you ever find yourself in Oasis, look for Blossom, the fairy who can guide you through this mystical world. There is still so much to uncover in Oasis, so stay tuned for more updates from this Faction!