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Hi everyone! We have another new event!

Lucky Cat Casino started on Monday 8/14 at 5pm Pacific time. This Event is similar to Daily Guild Boss, except that instead of fight different Bosses each day, you’ll face off against only Neko. Neko has a unique challenge for you: Earn the highest score possible through a combination of Damage and Score Multiplier. Make sure to place a Bet before you being the battle to help you increase your score. Learn more about multipliers and how to increase them in our Lucky Cat Casino FAQ.

Lucky Cat Casino

Lucky Cat Casino is a 7-day event that gives you login rewards every day you play, so make sure to play daily.

As you play, you’ll also earn Event Points. Win as many Event Points as possible so you can exchange them for the ultimate reward at the end of the week, a piece of Elite Gear!

Plus, Solo and Guild Leaderboards that will give you rewards based on your position at the end of the week.

Learn more about this event in our Lucky Cat Casino FAQ below.

What is the Lucky Cat Casino?

The Lucky Cat Casino is a Boss mode, similar to the Guild Boss, where you will be battling against Neko.

What’s unique about fighting Neko?

Neko has a unique challenge for you: Earn the highest score possible through a combination of Damage and Score Multiplier. Every damage you do will earn you some Score, but that Score will then be multiplied by your Score Multiplier at that time.

What is the Score Multiplier?

The Score Multiplier is a unique mechanic to the Lucky Cat Casino. For every damage that you do, you’ll earn some Score, but then that Score will be multiplied by your Score Multiplier. Increasing your Score Multiplier is integral to success in the Lucky Cat Casino.

How can I increase my Score Multiplier?

You can increase your Score Multiplier in three ways.

First, when Neko ULTs, he will create a number of small Neko clones. You Score Multiplier will increase for every clone that you kill, and if you kill all of them, Neko will become Vulnerable and you’ll gain a huge Multiplier for a short period of time.

Second, you can claim Bets from the Lucky Cat Casino Store.

Lastly, you can also try heading to the Lucky Cat Casino Store and using a Boost!

What are the Bets in the Lucky Cat Casino Store?

Each day, you’ll get to choose a Bet from the Lucky Cat Casino Store. These Bets are unique to the Lucky Cat Casino and require you to change your strategy in order to increase your Score Multiplier. For example, the Bastion Bet will “Increase your Score Multiplier by 1x for every alive Bastion Hero in battle.”

Do the Bets go away?

The Bets stay with you through the entire Lucky Cat Casino and will only go away at the end of the week.

How can I increase my Score?

Try to do as much damage as possible while you have a high Score Multiplier, which will require strategic timing of your ULTs and bringing in the best Heroes to match your Bets!

How long does the Lucky Cat Casino last?

The Lucky Cat Casino lasts for 1 week.

What do I get for playing?

Your Score directly earns you Event Points, which you must earn to claim valuable Event Point Rewards and to place on the Solo and Guild Leaderboards.

How do I earn more Event Points?

A combination of your damage done and your Score Multiplier in battle leads to a higher Event Point reward.

How do Login Rewards work?

You will receive 1 reward per day that you log in for the Event. If you want to claim all 7 Login Rewards, make sure to log in for each day of the Event!

How do Event Point Rewards work?

As you earn Event Points, you’ll unlock valuable Event Point rewards. Earn more and more Event Points to claim the highest reward: The featured Elite Gear for the week!

How does the Event Pass Work?

Both the Login Rewards and Event Point Rewards have a second column of Gem rewards that can be unlocked by purchasing the Event Pass. The Event Pass is a unique opportunity to earn Gems at a highly discounted rate!

How does the Solo Leaderboard work?

The Solo Leaderboard tracks every individual player’s Event Points. At the end of the Lucky Cat Casino, you will earn rewards based on your placement on the Leaderboard.

How does the Guild Leaderboard work?

The Guild Leaderboard tracks the sum of all Event Points for players within a Guild and pits Guilds against each other. At the end of the Lucky Cat Casino, every member in your Guild will earn the same rewards based on your Guild’s placement on the Leaderboard.

Lucky Cat Casino