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Bastion Faction

Triumph features five distinct Factions: Bastion, Wild Waste, Mist Nation, Oasis, and Stronghold. Today, we are going to let you know more about Bastion!

Bastion is energized by The Gift, one of the five enigmatic Power Prisms. It empowers weapons, grants knowledge, and reveals fragmented visions of the past and future.

Hundreds of years ago, upon the Gift’s arrival and Bastion’s subsequent construction, certain families rose to prominence through essential roles as masons, engineers, and city-builders. These families established Bastion’s Houses with unique animal heraldry, mottos, and values. Though the Queen governs Bastion, a High Council exists in which House leaders vie for power. Friction is perpetual, requiring the Queen’s constant intervention to resolve disputes and avert uprisings.

Despite the political turmoil, Bastion boasts highly advanced technology and extreme wealth. To maintain order and defend their land, each House employs ranks of Star Guards, led by noble Bastion Knights who don magical, high-tech armor and wield formidable weapons. The knights use invaluable starlight shards, which absorb the Gift’s energy, to power their weapons and armor.

Bastion has some of the most honorable and just heroes in the land. Roslyn, Bastion’s Queen, strives to protect her people from Darkstar, a new threat. As a young ruler, she grapples with governance but upholds her late mother’s teachings. Serra, an inquisitive scholar of the Gift, learns of a looming catastrophe through her sentient AI book, Paige. Duncan, an ex-noble who left his house after growing tired of their corruption, serves under the current Queen, wearing his grandfather’s sturdy armor and shield. Hunter, a combat instructor who fell in love with their pupil, Queen Roslyn, protects Roslyn on royal journeys beyond Bastion’s walls.

With the Gift’s recent fading, Bastion’s strength diminishes, inciting disputes among the Houses. Guided by Serra’s counsel, Roslyn embarks on a quest to the four realms beyond Bastion’s territory, seeking to unite the five factions and merge the power prisms, restoring their energy.

Will you stand alongside these valiant warriors to defend the last hope against the encroaching darkness? Will you embrace their legacy and secure your place among the legends of Bastion?

Stay tuned for more lore from Bastion and other Triumph Factions!